vCISO – virtual Chief Information Security Office


Every day, we hear news regarding the latest security breach. It has become top-of-mind for companies who need to protect their data and their customer’s information.  Many times, businesses suffer not only the financial devastation caused by security breaches but the loss of consumer confidence. Both can be equally destructive to the viability of your business. 

What is a  vCISO? 

The virtual Chief Information Security Officer (vCISO) is a deployable, managed service that connects top-level security experts with organizations that need cybersecurity experience and guidance, with flexibility and scalability that could not otherwise be achieved. Tailored to a client’s specific needs,  

vCISO services set the cybersecurity vision. They create a strategy to deal with ever-increasing regulatory complexities, including policies, security architecture, processes, and systems to help reduce cyber threats and keep your data secure. A customized approach is key to creating an effective security program.  Compliance is a key element of this role as well as understanding risk management. 

Why organizations are turning to vCISO’s? 

Organizations need someone to oversee and implement their cybersecurity program and enforce cybersecurity compliance policies.  With the demand so high and the lack of well-experienced security officers, businesses are turning to the virtual option – giving them a team of experts at their disposal at a lower cost than hiring someone ‘in house’.     

Along with having expertise and lowering costs, vCISO’s offer objective independence to evaluate your team and your security because they are outside of your organization.  With a vCISO, you can then leave your cybersecurity and compliance issues to them and get back to doing what you do best.  

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