M.A. Polce Joins Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce


Rochester Chamber of Commerce’s New IT and Cybersecurity Member

Rome, NY – M.A. Polce, a leading IT and cybersecurity solutions provider, has recently joined the Rochester Chamber of Commerce. The company has taken this step to establish its commitment to helping Rochester’s business community adopt secure technology and manage cyber risk.

As a Rochester Chamber of Commerce member, M.A. Polce will have access to valuable resources, including networking opportunities, educational events, and business development programs.

This membership will also provide an opportunity to connect with other businesses in the region. By establishing relationships with other local companies, M.A. Polce can better understand the local market, identify new opportunities for growth and expansion, and build a strong network of partners and collaborators. These benefits are especially important as M.A. Polce looks to expand its reach, build lasting relationships, and provide industry-leading services to businesses in new regions.

Overall, membership in the Rochester Chamber of Commerce is a significant milestone for M.A. Polce. By joining this respected chamber of commerce, M.A. Polce is positioning itself for long-term success and growth in the Rochester business community.

“We are excited to join the Rochester Chamber of Commerce and look forward to the opportunities it will provide,” said Mike Polce, CEO of M.A. Polce. “As a company, we are committed to providing unparalleled IT and cybersecurity services to businesses in New York State, and this membership will help us further that goal in the Rochester region.”

The membership comes when M.A. Polce is experiencing significant growth and expansion. With a focus on innovation and customer service, the company has established itself as a leader in the IT and cybersecurity industry. By joining the Rochester Chamber of Commerce, M.A. Polce is taking another step towards achieving its mission of helping businesses succeed and stay secure in a digital world.

“We believe that being a part of the Rochester Chamber of Commerce will help us reach more businesses and provide them with the services they need to stay competitive in today’s market,” said Rick Pollard, Director of Business Development. “We are excited about the future and look forward to working with the Chamber and its members to achieve our goals.”

About M.A. Polce

M.A. Polce is a renowned managed IT and cybersecurity services provider dedicated to empowering businesses with cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions and expertise. With a mission to create a secure digital landscape for small to medium-sized businesses, M.A. Polce creates tailored IT solutions to help streamline, manage, modernize, and protect its clients.


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